hahihuheho! ☆

hi hi! i go by the name florence online!she/her & i’m a minor!i’m not new to twitter, but i am new to posting my art publicly! i draw for fun, so please be nice!let’s be friends!!! ^_^

before you follow! ☆

i like enstars and draw fanart for it! this doesn’t mean i’ll only draw art for it, though, so please don’t be surprised if i make stuff for other medias! i just draw whatever i’m currently interested in really, but i don’t think my interest in enstars will be dying down soon ^.^please know i do not post ‘femstars’ or cisbending! however, i do sometimes draw the characters with feminine clothes/hair styles!i am very critical of my interests! this especially includes enstars…though, right now, i am not really talkative on twitter in general. please don’t be surprised if i don’t interact too often! i will still try my best to!

enstars ramblings! ☆

I LOVE SWITCH! i’m a switchP, hip hip hurray! my favorite character specifically is sora!!!! i also love 2wink and the rest of NewDi~i don’t really have any pairings i feel strongly about (i am more of a liker of platonic relationships) but i looove sorakasa, if you couldn’t tell from the fortune banquet imagei’m a new fan (as in, a few days before engstars released)… but i’ve been a hater before this. i’ve been “hating” enstars since, like, the release of enmusic. haha unfortunately now i am what i initially sought to destroyextra fun fact, it was tsumugi aoba who i hated the most, for no particular reason. now, he’s one of my favorites!my favorite stories are element, setsubun festival, magic lantern + a lot more! i like them all for personal reasons, i’m definitely not saying they’re the best ones out there ^_^i WILL say that brilliant smile & omoi no kakera ARE the best songs ever created though. we can fight on this

do not interact! ☆

basic dni criteria, proshippers, if you frequently post/rt nsfw!and if you are a malevolent alien from a corrupted planet seeking revenge on your home through enacting world-domination on another solar system, GET OUT SPECIFICALLY!!!